
Foreign Nationals Can Buy Commercial Flat

Foreign nationals not only have houses and apartments, but also the alias apartment towers. Only, they can only master the towers of commercial species only.

Foreign ownership rules are embodied in the revised Act (Act) No. 16 of 1985 on the Flats. Obviously, there are several conditions that must be fulfilled citizens of another country before purchasing the towers.

Vice Chairman of the Commission on Housing (V) Mulyadi said the foreign ownership provision is based on the Basic Agrarian Law, which only foreigners can own towers units only. "He just has a course unit, the land is not," he said, Tuesday (8 / 6).

So also with the period following the ownership rules in the Basic Agrarian Law, the foreigner may only have use rights for 25 years. But, it can be extended up to 20 consecutive years and 25 years.

However Mulyadi said, there is a minimum price limit commercial towers that can be purchased by foreigners. Later, this provision will be regulated in more detail in the government regulation (PP) as derivative products Flat Act.

Hitech confirms that foreign ownership of commercial towers unit can be transferred or transferable before the rights expired life time. Parliament would adopt the prevailing concept of diversion in Australia. At Kangaroo's Affairs, the foreign-owned property should not be sold to foreigners, but must dilego to an Australian citizen. "The details set out in regulation," he said.

Notes only, the revised Act would divide residential Flat is tall in three categories. First, commercial towers for middle to upper income people. These towers can be traded as a commodity with prices following the market mechanism.

Second, the towers or the general public convenience facilities and construction get government assistance. That way, the selling price affordable by the lower middle income people. These towers may be transferred on the condition, for example, after five years.

Third, special towers for temporary shelter. For example, halfway house, rental towers, and towers like a student dormitory rent free or public servant