
The Fed Biang Scrape JP Morgan Loss 2 Billion U.S. Dollars?

Too brave to put a high risk in the derivatives up to a big bank in the United States (U.S.) loss of billions of dollars, have to blame anyone? Surely, the first taxable trader pointed the finger is JP Morgan Chase & Co. But, that should be observed is what drives their motivation to take the extra risk? In this case, Fortune review that the main culprit is the low interest rate policy that The Federal Reserve (Fed / U.S. central bank). The central bank's policy is escorted Ben S Bernanke is believed to make the banking industry are competing to make up for revenue lost due to the small yield because it refers to the fed funds rate. Thus, allowing the executive retreat as did JP Morgan in the morning is not quite fair in this case. After all, who do these bankers continue to breed millions of dollars intended for the benefit of JP Morgan. They just keep printing money to try and rebalance the market position of dislocations created by the big banks. Outside bets on the table Wall Street, pass the blame on the Fed for losses of 2 billion dollars is probably pretty far, but it is based. Policy of low interest bank automatically make profits contracted for forcing banks to take greater risks in order to obey the request of shareholders. Shareholders, the bank has always demanded a great performance, whatever happens in the market. This is often brought up by JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon. Everything is permissible for the breeding of money quickly. Fed policy lately considered to provide constraints for banks to lend normally. However, banks also can not be separated from the error derivative. Bank which should have benefited from the savings and loan, it acts as a hedge fund. Indeed, the extent of operational savings and loans to banks too boring and not too big a profit as low interest rates. But this relieves them of greater losses.

Property business is still "booming" Until 2014

Merujuk pada siklus bisnis properti di Indonesia dari tahun 1996 hingga 2014, sektor ini diprediksi masih booming. Investasi properti dinilai cerah karena faktor pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia relatif lebih tinggi dari pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. "Indonesia seolah tidak terpengaruh krisis ekonomi yang tengah terjadi di Eropa dan Amerika. Bahkan, pertumbuhan ekonomi tahun 2011 mencapai 6,5 % lebih tinggi dari angka pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia yang hanya mencapai 4,4 %," kata Alvin Kurniawan, Business Development PT Bangun Properti Indonesia di Jakarta, Rabu (9/5/2012). Alvin mengatakan, bisnis properti diminati karena nilainya tidak pernah surut. Dari sisi inflasi, properti tidak akan terpengaruh begitu juga dengan sisi bunga bank pengaryhnya rendah. Seperti pada 2012 ini, lanjutnya, pengaruh inflasi stabil kurang dari 6 %, suku bunga SBI stabil, serta suku bunga untuk KPR turun. "Kondisi ekonomi kita baik, maka bila dibandingkan investasi di bidang lainnya, resiko berbisnis properti masih rendah," ujarnya. Ia menambahkan, faktor lainnya yang membuat investasi properti di Indonesia masih solid adalah kepercayaan orang-orang kaya di Indonesia lebih percaya berinvestasi pada properti daripada uang bentuk rupiah. "Apalagi, harga properti disini masih murah di kawasan Asia, tetapi tingkat pengembaliannya tertinggi," katanya.