
Kitchen Design with the Land Availability

The size of land need to be considered in selecting the design space, including the kitchen. Here are some kitchen design that can be chosen based on land size.

The kitchen is one room in which there are many activities. That is why, comfort becomes one of the requirements in designing the kitchen. The kitchen is too small, or too quiet, certainly felt less comfortable. To avoid this, adjust your kitchen design with the availability of land at home.

Single Line

Kitchen single line straight line. In this kitchen, dirty kitchen and clean, located in one area. Although considered less convenient, single-line kitchen is best suited for small-sized land. That is why, this kitchen design was applied to many small-sized home or apartment. To stay comfortable, even dirty kitchen combined with a clean kitchen, always keep your kitchen clean and kerapihan.

Double Line

The kitchen consists of two straight lines. Clean dirty kitchen and placed opposite. Land-shaped kitchen is perfect for extending kitchen design this one. Though simple, but clean the kitchen was dirty and was in a separate area.

Kitchen Island

The kitchen island was applied to fit a wide area. Characteristic of this kitchen is a table in the kitchen Tengan. These tables can be used as work areas, or places serve food.

Kitchen "L"

Design a kitchen that can also be applied to limited land. In this kitchen, dirty kitchen and clean two sides are placed on the intersecting walls (corner). The form is relatively more comfortable angle.

Kitchen "U"

Kitchen this one is often called the "ngantong". Kitchen area that requires relatively larger than the needs of a single room to the kitchen line. Kitchen "U" occupied three sides of the wall. Could also occupy two sides of the wall, then add the bar as the third side. The bar can be well utilized as a serving table and breakfast table.