
Superblok with Steel Price

Krakatau Steel with IISIA (Indonesia Iron and Steel Industry Association) predicts an increase in steel prices will continue to happen until the third quarter of 2010. Increase an average of Rp 200 per kilogram per month. The property industry is also ready on standby.

"We are fortunate to establish contracts with suppliers of steel up to three months in advance. But after that, willy-nilly have to swallow the price of steel has gone up," said Alvin Andronicus, Marketing General Manager of Great Podomoro.

Executive developers working on superblock superblock Brass City while completing this City Podomoro mention the effects of steel price increases will vary for each project.

For example, for projects Podomoro City, which is in the finishing stage, the use of steel components is not large. "Thus, the impact of steel price increases barely felt this project," said Alvin.

As with the Brass City project. In the new project starts, the steel is still the main expenditure components.