
government apartment Housing and Development Board

The number of Singaporeans who live in government apartments Housing and Development Board (Institute of Development and Housing) increased. Based on the last household survey conducted HDB Singapore, the number of Singapore citizens and permanent residents who inhabit the flats, up 2.7 percent in the last 5 years, to 2.92 million in 2008.

This figure is 96 per cent of the total population living in Singapore HDB flat. Four percent are foreigners, including domestic servants and tenants.

Average HDB apartment dwellers also currently over the age of 37 years. Compare 20 years ago, the average residents of the HDB flats of 30 years.

The average life expectancy is longer cause the proportion of population aged 65 years and over, increased from 5.4 percent in 1987 to 9.8 percent in 2008.

HDB as a proportion of the population of educated workers also increased by a third. Proportion of population living in HDB flat and white-collar work also rose from 29.5 percent in 1998 to 34.5 percent in 2008.

The average income of residents of the HDB flat in 4239 Singapore dollars in 2003. HDB mentioned, this figure rose to 5680 Singapore dollars in 2008, and reflects the increasing prosperity of the inhabitants.

This survey also shows more than 95 percent of HDB flat dwellers were satisfied with the condition of the apartment and their neighbors. Approximately 80 percent of homeowners indicate that they are proud of their apartment, and about 85 percent of apartment owners feel they have value for money.

During the next two months, the HDB will release mentions other findings about parents and family welfare, and social welfare of the residents. (Channel News Asia)