
Apartemen Black and White

Rio quite disappointed when I saw the apartment units dibelinya, the very standard. Perhaps that is the consequence of buying "goods" sale. But design a room can turn a standard room it was more beautiful and valuable.

Sale Taman Anggrek apartment unit about a year ago to encourage Rio Chrisdian (35) and his wife, Yennie (30) to buy it. But like a lot of the apartment developers at this time, the apartments are sold in unfinished condition. In the unit there is no ceiling, no light (just a cable at each point lights), ceramic floor closed standard size 20 cm x 20 cm, and provided a kitchen cabinet style measure.

Rio, Jakarta Uki architect graduate who now has a consulting office interior design and architecture called Idea, also see the stifling conditions of the unit is very minimal. Therefore he decided to memolesnya completely.

First, the Rio theme determines the color that is black and white. Why this color is selected? According to Rio, black and white symbolizes the simplicity, the value of simplicity. This value is also held in Rio was living. "I'm really happy that tactical, nggak ribet seneng," he said when we shoot the family room in the small but comfortable, while waiting for the shooting.